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Virginian Hotel – Michael Twery – Mixed Media

Time: August 9 - November 8
Venue: Satellite Exhibits

The Exhibitv

From the Artist:

My development as an artist started through close observation of nature, study of classical rendering, and realistic representation. My main interest was capturing the quality and shape of light. As I grew and matured my interests expanded into shaped paintings, abstract painting and drawing, assemblages, installations and sound sculptures.

         I work in a variety of media and processes in both 2 and 3-dimensoinal forms, allowing me to express myself in many different ways. I find that alternating my subjects, media, and processes of working, helps strengthen my abilities in each different area.

Be sure to see the exhibit and check out Jill’s artwork currently for sale online at Artistica.

The Venue:

The Virginian Hotel is located at 712 Church Street, Lynchburg, VA. Learn more on The Virginian’s website.

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