Every year, the Academy thrives with strong donor support. Your gifts are critical for our innovative workshops, educational programming, and other special projects that help support and inspire our community.
As an Academy Member, your gift goes far beyond bridging the gap between budgetary expenses and revenue generated from ticket sales, which only covers approximately half of the funds involved in operating our theaters, classroom spaces, and galleries. Your donations are transformative and help sustain initiatives like Academy in Motion, and other programs that help create life-changing experiences for people of all ages in our region.
We have an important and ambitious goal to reach this year, which is to serve 150,000 people in the greater Lynchburg region through the arts. You can help us reach this goal by supporting the Academy in 2024. Every gift brings us one step closer to real and impactful change.
As an Academy donor, you’re not simply giving to the arts, but rather, you’re giving through art, and your support is an investment in the future of all hearts and minds in our community.
Your Membership is an investment in the heart of our community and supports the Academy’s Annual Fund, which directly impacts our mission to cultivate a healthier and more interconnected populace through cultural infrastructure and community-building arts programs.
Academy members make the difference. We are Greater Lynchburg’s center for arts because of our donors–your support is essential. With your help, the Academy empowers and uplifts all individuals in our region through programs that encourage self-expression, thought, and engagement within a safe and creative space.
Your support means the world to us. Your gift, at any level, directly impacts our community through the arts. Art is essential, and Academy donors give in a variety of ways — annually, throughout their lives, and in their estate plans. Donors are recognized in our Annual Report. Level 2 – 7 Members receive a printed copy of our Annual Report and Level 3 – 7 Members are featured on our donor wall located in the Historic Theater.
Questions about giving? Visit our Academy Donor FAQ or contact our Development Team at [email protected]