Lynchburg VA center for arts, culture, and community building
In this 4 week course we will be learning how to create a demo reel . We will be going over monologues, learning the difference between theatre/tv/TikTok acting. We will be studying and breaking down the characters to better understand how to become one with the character. By the end of the course you will have the skills to choose contrasting monologues and create the demo reel for your next audition.
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Instructor: Chebar Smalls
I was born in Long Island New York where I lived for 5 years of my life and then relocated to Orlando Florida . I was adopted at birth to a loving older family who wanted to keep me busy so they put me in every activity they could find. I took ballet for 16 years, piano for 3, violin for 4, but I fell in love with acting. I taught ballet and African classes to the children in the community for free 2x a week. My senior year I got accepted into American Musical and Dramatic academy for the arts in California and the next week after graduation I moved to California to pursue my acting career. I lived in California and I worked as a nanny to a woman who was a prop master for the set of Scandal, Melissa and Joey, and Fuller House. This helped me get the vouchers I needed to get into the union so I could go on more auditions. Unfortunately at 25 my older sister ending up getting breast cancer so I left everything to go back to Brooklyn to help her recover. In the midst of that I ended up being a teacher’s assistant to toddlers and fell in love with my fiancé and had 3 beautiful children and decided to dedicate my life to raising them. A recent family emergency landed us in this beautiful town of Lynchburg and I just felt my creative side exploding and started to search for jobs where I can do what I love. I came across the academy and thought it would be a great match and now here we are. I have a 5 year old 2 year old and 1 year old. They are so animated and I’m excited to see how to blossom as they grow. I am 31 years young and my story is still being written.