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Introduction to Kiln Fired Glass II

Time: October 17, 2023 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Number of Classes/Day: 4 Tuesdays
End Date: Nov 14
Register By: October 15
Venue: The Glass Studio
Cost: $160

Acquire beginning glass cutting skills and learn the basics of firing and slumping while creating projects in glass. Possible projects include magnets, a coaster, sun catcher and a slump dish. The class is an adult class and is limited to six students!



Instructor: Jill Campbell

Jill has an Associate degree in Art from CVCC. 

She started with the Fine Art Center taking art classes in 1997 and has been 

teaching art classes in 2002 and continued through 2014 starting with Fine Art Center and continued as the Academy Center of the Arts grew.

Jill grew up loving art and many forms but fell in love with pottery and than later fused glass.




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